Choosing Cedar For Your Next Fence

Choosing Cedar For Your Next Fence

As you drive through the colorful state of Colorado, it’s hard to miss the unique fences that line the streets of various neighborhoods. While the Centennial State is known for its wood, vinyl and iron fences, it may be most popular for the one-of-a-kind western red cedar fence that borders so many homes here.

Keeping in mind that every property (and neighborhood) boasts its own “special something,” it may be hard to choose the best fencing material for your property. While it is crucial to consider the resale value of your home down the line when choosing a fence, it is also important to keep in mind which fencing materials will last the longest and which will require the least amount of maintenance and upkeep.

Cedar Fences Help Regulate Temperature

Cedar fences have the unique ability to regulate the temperature of your property, by keeping it warm during the colder months and cooler during the hotter months. Why? Because cedar wood boasts air pockets allowing it to insulate the land around it. So go ahead; plant that shrubbery you’ve always dreamed of lining your fence!

Cedar Fences are Great Sound Absorbers

And go ahead and throw that loud summer barbecue party you’ve been planning. Cedar has been shown to block more than 50% of sounds from escaping – or entering – its walls. Rest easy knowing you won’t be causing any disturbances! (OK, if you have close neighbors you probably shouldn’t throw a rager, but you won’t have to feel so ashamed when you blast the latest Nickelback album).

Dip into your savings for that backyard barbecue, because you certainly won’t need to drop any extra cash on insect lanterns or repellants. Cedar naturally secretes its own cedar oil, the familiar aromatic smell we associate with this versatile wood. Believe me, while this scent will smell like heaven to you, it is absolutely repulsive to moths, mosquitoes, and termites. Not only does this oil repel unwanted pests, but it keeps the wood of your fence from drying and cracking, thus maintaining its own good condition and lifespan, naturally.

Cedar Fences Stain Well

Cedar also boasts a straight grain while lacking any natural pitch or resin. This makes the material perfect for almost any kind of paint or stain. It’s no wonder this incredible wood has been dubbed “the tree of life!”

Strategic Fence specializes in a variety of fences made from different materials, including western red cedar. If you would like more information about this versatile material, give your favorite Breckenridge fencing contractor a call today.